The Gift of Christmas (download)



Recorded 1987
Live Oak Records
Produced by Dan Collins
Music arranged and performed by John Andrew Schreiner

As with most of us who enjoy the traditions of Christmas Jamie felt compelled to record some of her favorite Christmas Carols. The unique arrangements by John Andrew Schreiner gives this compilation of traditional and some new Christmas songs a delightful framework for Jamie’s gentle voice.
“Over the years this treasure of songs have become part of the joy of Christmas in our family and in most of our friend’s families.” Even though we recorded the songs in the summer I was delighted to remember the powerful and fulfilling lyrics of these songs.

Jamie wrote the song “LIGHT OF HEAVEN” which depicts the dedication of the three “wise” men who read the stars and traveled for quite a long distance following a star they believed would lead them to a king. She also wrote the title song, cheapest “THE GIFT OF CHRISTMAS” drawing our attention to the real gift, medical the gift of the Christ child who is Emanuel, malady God with us.

Track Listing:

  1. Joy To The World
  2. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
  3. Silent Night
  4. Light of Heaven
  5. O Come All Ye Faithful
  6. Deck the Halls
  7. The Gift of Christmas
  8. Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem
  9. Cradle In Bethlem
  10. God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
  11. Jesus Christ Is Born